Anjou - Département de Maine-et-Loire
Collegiate church Saint-Martin A place where art tells the story

Actualité alerte : Closing

The Collégiale will be closed from 6 to 9 and from 14 to 16 February. The reception (ticket office and shop) will remain open from 2pm to 6pm on 6 February.

Legal Information

Reading time:  min.


  • Editor : Département de Maine-et-Loire
  • Director of publication : Florence Dabin, Presidente of Département de Maine-et-Loire
  • Editorial design : Collégiale Saint-Martin and Direction de la communication
  • Graphic design, website creation and development : Direction logistique et systèmes d’information
  • Hosting : Direction logistique et systèmes d’information
  • Photograph credits (except special mention) : Bertrand Béchard, J-P.Campion, Jean-Claude Hermaize, Philippe Noisette, Bruno Rousseau, Collégiale Saint-Martin.
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