Anjou - Département de Maine-et-Loire
Collegiate church Saint-Martin A place where art tells the story

Actualité alerte : Closing

The Collégiale will be closed from 6 to 9 and from 14 to 16 February. The reception (ticket office and shop) will remain open from 2pm to 6pm on 6 February.

Vue extérieure de la collégiale
Vue extérieure de la collégiale © J.-P. Campion

General information

Reading time:  min.

Plan your visit:

Individual visitors

Angevins or tourists, the collegiate church of St Martin welcomes you for a brief visit or a longer walk through time – it's up to you.

Self-guided tours of the church

Various aids are available to help you to discover the site and its permanent collections:

  • a visitor's guide (on paper) in French, English, German, Italian or Spanish
  • free audio-guides in French, English, German, Italian or Spanish. Duration of the visit: approx 45 minutes.
  • a video showing the restoration of the statues (with French or English subtitles)
  • a video presentation of the crypt (with French or English subtitles)
  • a  scenography illustrating the major stages  in the history of the site and the world of the dead

We recommend you start your visit no later than one hour before closing time.


In the fight against COVID-19, you are required to respect the following safety measures:

  • the wearing of masks from the age of 11
  • observing a distance of 2m between people and in groups of visitors
  • regular hand-washing and sanitising, especially on arrival

The Collegiate Church of St Martin shop

To prolong your visit, buy a souvenir or find a gift, the Collegiate Church shop offers a wide range of books (art books / children's books / books related to the exhibitions etc), commercial products and postcards.

Free access. Same opening hours as the Collegiate Church.

Visite our shop page (page in French).

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